
Thursday, June 13, 2013


Va Spurs Va seems to be all I have been hearing the last month since returning home to San Antonio. And with good reason. I mean, the spurs are kind of awesome. And I'm not just saying this because two of the players used to live in my neighborhood or because I saw Tony Parker in an elevator once(though I'm sure theses close encounters had a huge impact on their success). I'm saying this because they are A W E S O M E. Let me elaborate on that for you.
Why You Should Love the Spurs
  • Coach Pop. He gives monosyllable responses during most interviews, which has the opposite effect that one may initially think. Its actually pretty entertaining watching reporters try to phrase their questions in order coax a response that will last more than two seconds and then see Pop completely shut it down.
  • The Spurs do wonderfully cheesy commercials for HEB.
 They are al absolutely great. Watch more here, here, and here.
  • Spurs players have the best names. On what other team can you cheer for Manu, Tiago, Boris, Dejuan, Nando, or Kawhi?
  • A humble yet effective big three. Tim, Tony, Manu, Y'all the best.

  • Matt Bonner. I guess you could say I saved the best for last. I know some of you right now are questioning who Matt Bonner is, but trust me he's great. He had a sandwich blog in which he deems himself " The Sandwich Hunter in Quest for the Hoagie Grail". He's super smart( he graduated college with the likes of a 3.9). He can drain 3-pointers, leading to Kobe Bryant nicknaming him the Red Mamba(which has come to replace his prior nickname of the red rocket). On top of all of this, he's a red head(shout out the roomie) which is an extremely endangered species in the NBA. So to sum things up he's funny, smart, athletic, and a ginger, what more could you want on your team??
Let it fly matt

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